Older, historic homes like those in South Orange and Maplewood, require diagnostic expertise and excellent craftsmanship to remedy roofing issues while maintaining the integrity of the architecture. This expertise enhances the home’s curb appeal and therefore adds more value to the home. But, understanding the nature of the issues isn’t all that easy or obvious.
Sometimes you may see evidence of a leak in a ceiling, but the origin of it is on another side of the house. Walking the roof and inspecting the entire surface area is mandatory. Additionally, most older homes have more than 1 roof and more than 1 style. For instance, a Tudor style home may have a slate roof (view our slate specialty page here) and a flat roof. Usually, the flat roof is over the porch or garage. Having a contractor that understands all types of roofing will benefit the homeowner in the long run since many times when the repair is being made additional repairs become evident.
For instance, we can be tearing off a flat roof only to discover the gutters attached to the slate roof are rotted. While we are on the job we can take care of this for a lot less money than hiring a separate contractor to repair the gutters and/or any slate that may inadvertently become damaged.
Home styles in South Orange range from turn of the century Victorians, Tudors and Colonials as well as Mid Century ranches. Deciding on the right type or materials to enhance the home’s architectural style – and curb appeal is another very important aspect in hiring an experienced roofing contractor.

I show my customers all of their options and recommend the best material based on their home’s design. I owned a a 1930’s colonial style home in South Orange for many years. It had a slate roof which typically lasts the longest of all. However, if you don’t keep up with repairs in an on-going basis it become way to expensive. Almost no one puts a new slate roof on a house today because the material is too costly. However there are options that will provide the same look and feel for a lot less money.
Long Term Clients
Specializing in older, historic homes means my clients are usually with for the long haul. Since the materials are expensive on slate and tile roofs, we only repair what’s necessary a little at a time. Some roofs pictured above have been my clients for 10 or more years.
If you have an older or historic home in South Orange or any where in Essex, Union, Middlesex or Hudson County and want to take advantage of our expertise please contact me via phone at
(908) 553-0284 or email me mharris420@optonline.net.