5 Reasons Getting a New Roof or Repair in the New Year Will Save You Money

Getting a new roof or having your roof repaired early in the New Year is much more cost effective for homeowners (saves you lots of money). There are 5 reasons why getting a new roof or roof repair now is more advantageous than waiting until the spring. 

Reason # 1 - Contractors Have Lower Inventory

Winter weather has an adverse affect on certain types of projects, especially on masonry. Cement and stone are materials that don’t adhere well in cold weather. This means contractors have a lower inventory of projects in the winter months, making them more competitive for the projects which can be done.

As a consumer, you will get more competitive bids now than in the spring when it is a contractor’s peak season.

Reason # 2 - Winter WEather

Roof repairs can not be made while it is raining, snowing or storming outside because they will leak. We have to wait for a dry day in order to remove the existing material and replace it. 

Since there are fewer days without some sort of bad weather, contractors have less on their plate. However, these winter storms can make a small leak into something far more costly. Getting it repaired sooner than later will save you a lot of money.

Reason # 3 - Rising Prices on Materials

Due to several global economic factors, prices on roofing materials are rising. For example, lumber prices have gone up 350% in the last 5 years and 200% in the last year (view specifics here).. 

Oil price increases also affect roofing prices. Oil is the primary and most expensive component of asphalt shingles. Naturally, when oil prices go up, so will the cost of asphalt shingles for roof installation.  Prices on roofing materials are predicted to go up further in 2022. In fact, GAF (which manufactures the best roofing materials and the only type we use) just announced a 6-8% price increase effective January 31st, 2022 because of the increase in raw materials and transportation costs. See below.

GAF Raises Prices in 2022

Reason # 4 - Logistics Issues

Roofing materials are also being adversely affected by the global supply chain problems due to the Corona virus.

About 30% of all roofing materials are imported from China.  There is a shortage of containers because ships are stuck at ports waiting to have their goods unloaded. 

Normally, after the containers are unloaded they are used again on other shipments, but since they are stuck, there is a shortage of available containers causing shipping prices to rise. When we have increased costs, we have to pass them on to our customers, making it more expensive to wait.

Reason # 5 - A Small Leak is Less Expensive to Repair




If you see any stains on your ceiling or walls or water dripping – you most likely have a leak coming from your roof. Repairing it while it is small is far less expensive than when it gets big. And you know what they say, “leaks only get bigger over time.”

Water coming in to a house through the roofWater coming in to a house through the roof
Leaks in Rafters
Leaks that come in through your rafters need to be taken care of immediately to protect the interior of your home.
Untitled design (5)Untitled design (5)
Water Penetrating the Celing
If you have water coming in through the ceiling, immediate action should be taken to protect the interior of your home.
Untitled design (4)Untitled design (4)
Seniors Who Live Alone
Seniors should have their roof periodically inspected to ensure it remains in good condition.

Overall, there are  5 key reasons replacing or repairing your roof  early in the New Year will be cheaper than waiting to later in the year. Not only will you get a more cost effective price, but you will also prevent destruction in your home. We are available 24/7 to give you a free estimate on any job. Remember, all new roofs come with a 10 year guarantee.there are key 

Snow rakes are a safe tool to use to remove snow from your roof
Home Improvement
Michael Harris

Roofing Through the Winter

It used to be pretty difficult to do roofing through the winter. But with better tools and materials we are now able to roof right

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mharris420 @optonline.net